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Lactobacillus Acidophilus

Lactobacillus Acidophilus Powder

Activity: 200 billion (2.0E+11) CFU/g, or customizable


Lactobacillus acidophilus is a species of gram positive bacteria in the genus Lactobacillus.L. acidophilus is a homofermentative, microaerophilic species, fermenting sugars into lactic acid, and grows readily at rather low pH values (below pH 5.0) and has an optimumgrowth temperature of around 37 °C (99 °F). This Series of products compete with harmful bacterium for the attachment points
in digestive tract, produce antibacterial material, and compete with harmful bacteria to get nutrients, strive for oxygen by biological mechanisms ,thereby, establish normal microflora in digestive tract; adjust and improve immune function;improve digestion and absorption function; prevent toxic amine synthesized.

Appearance: Off White to Light Gray Powder


1. Gut-flora balance.2. Helps to build a superior immune system.
3. Assists in the absorption of nutrients.
4. Aids in dairy product digestion among the lactose-intolerant.
5. Protection against pathogens


1. Healthcare, dietary supplements, in forms of capsules, tablets, etc.
2. Food applicated products, juices, gummies, chocolate, candies, bakeries, yogurts, etc
3. Pets foods/Animal feed additives etc.

Shelf Life: From Manufacture date 24 months if stored at ≤-18℃

Packing: Packed in aluminum foil & plastic-bag inside Net Weight: 1Kg/bag, 5 Kg/bag, 25 Kg/bag

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